公司名稱 展區 展位號 業務性質 國家/城市
The University of Queensland (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
The University of Western Australia (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
The University of Western Sydney (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
The Univesity of South Wales (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
University of Canberra (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
University of New England (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
University of South Ausralia (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
University of Tasmania (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
University of Wollongong (Represented by Hong Kong Education Web Limited) C01-03 澳洲
EF個人遊學/暑期遊學團 (由英孚教育有限公司代理) C04-05 暑期遊學團夏令營 澳洲
EFJob Club和實習課程 (由英孚教育有限公司代理) C04-05 語文學校 澳洲
EF語言高級文憑 (由英孚教育有限公司代理) C04-05 語文學校 澳洲
EF澳洲大學銜接課程 (由英孚教育有限公司代理) C04-05 大學及專上學院 澳洲
EF海外語言學校 (由英孚教育有限公司代理) C04-05 語文學校 澳洲
Deakin College in association with Deakin University (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
Edith Cowan College Pty Ltd in association with Edith Cowan University (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
Griffith College in association with Griffith University (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
Kaplan Business School (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
La Trobe College Australia in association with La Trobe University (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
South Australian Institute of Business and Technology University of South Australia (Represented by Astep Education Limited) C13 澳洲
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